
The whole production takes place in our estate under strict quality control standards. It consists of several stages: harvest, transport, cooling, selection and fermentation. The entire process is carried out with the greatest care so that the grape remains intact, ensuring the quality from the vineyard to the deposit.

Now the fermentation starts and the different nuances of each wine are acquired inside the appropriate cask, which are made of French wood, concrete or stainless steel. This process takes place until the wine is removed from the casks, putting an end to a complex system of dissolution of the grape components into the wine. An accurate monitoring of the fermentation is paramount and is achieved by means of daily tastings. Finally, the wine is stored in the barrels, the marc is removed and passed through our vertical presses, producing the so called press wine. We take the utmost care of this extremely delicate operation, as the quality of our future wine depends upon its success.

After fermentation, our wines are ready to be placed in our stock of French oak barrels. They are made by different coopers and possess different toasting levels...
Few decisions are as important in wine production as the assemblage is. It is a selection and creation process...


Finca Dehesa del Carrizal
Retuerta del Bullaque
13194 - Ciudad Real
Spain [Ver mapa]

Tel: 925 421 773    Fax: 925 421 761


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Como apoyo al proceso de Internacionalización, Dehesa del Carrizal ha desarrollado un Plan Individual de Promoción Exterior con objetivos de tener su marca registrada a nivel internacional y conseguir nuevos mercados en los países siguientes: Puerto Rico, Colombia y Perú.
Para llevar a cabo esta actuación, ha contado con el apoyo financiero de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La-Mancha, a través del IPEX, así como con la cofinanciación del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) en el marco del Programa operativo 2014-2020.
Copyright © 2025 Finca Dehesa del Carrizal