
The different lots fuse together into something superior to the sum of the components. This will take place after the wine is poured into the barrels. Nevertheless, we think about it ever since we start tasting the lots coming from different allotments. Each variety and/or each allotment contributes its distinctive feature, eventually creating a highly complex and extremely balanced wine.

Our Chardonnay also goes through a strict selection procedure. It ages for 3 to 5 months and all the barrels are tasted in order to define the final lot. Once the aging process ends, our wines will spend the rest of their life in a bottle, where they will continue to mature, sometimes even for several years.

At the optimal moment, the grapes are harvested by hand and transported in small boxes to a cold-storage room…
After fermentation, our wines are ready to be placed in our stock of French oak barrels. They are made by different coopers and possess different toasting levels...


Finca Dehesa del Carrizal
Retuerta del Bullaque
13194 - Ciudad Real
Spain [Ver mapa]

Tel: 925 421 773    Fax: 925 421 761


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Como apoyo al proceso de Internacionalización, Dehesa del Carrizal ha desarrollado un Plan Individual de Promoción Exterior con objetivos de tener su marca registrada a nivel internacional y conseguir nuevos mercados en los países siguientes: Puerto Rico, Colombia y Perú.
Para llevar a cabo esta actuación, ha contado con el apoyo financiero de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La-Mancha, a través del IPEX, así como con la cofinanciación del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) en el marco del Programa operativo 2014-2020.
Copyright © 2025 Finca Dehesa del Carrizal